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FFN-Philippines supports the HIPCARE project: Looking after patients with hip fracture in low- and middle-income countries
I. Tabu,R. Ivers,M. L. Costa
In the UK, multidisciplinary teamwork for patients with hip fracture has been shown
to reduce mortality and improves health-related quality of life for patients, while also
reducing hospital bed days and associated healthcare costs. However, despite rapidly
increasing numbers of fragility fractures, multidisciplinary shared care is rare in low- and
middle-income countries around the world. The HIPCARE trial will test the introduction
of multidisciplinary care pathways in five low- and middle-income countries in South and
Southeast Asia, with the aim to improve patients' quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.
Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2024; 106-B(12):1369-1371.

Economic burden and the effects of early versus delayed hospitalization on the treatment cost of patients with acute fragility hip fractures under the UPM-PGH Orthogeriatric Multidisciplinary Fracture Management Model and Fracture Liaison Service
Kiko A. Cortez, Joseph Garvy L. Lai, Irewin A. Tabu,
Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 63-68,
ISSN 2405-5255,

Functional Outcomes among Geriatric Fragility Hip Fracture Patients in a Developing Country: A Comparative Study between Complete and Incomplete Post-operative Rehabilitation
Peña, M.A.R.G., Tabu, I.A. and Ching Bing-Agsaoay, D.D. 2022.
Acta Medica Philippina. 56, 6 (Apr. 2022).

Multicenter Implementation of Orthogeriatrics and the Fracture Liaison Service for Elderly Hip Fractures: An evidence-based framework for a sustainable digital health registry
Principal Investigator: Dr. Irewin A. Tabu
Dr. Giorgio Delgado Dr. Karla Teresa Araneta Dr. Bernardino Alpuerto II
Version 1.0 Updated by K. Araneta: 2021 June 17
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