We are an autonomous arm of the Global Fragility Fracture Network. FFN Philippines brings together like-minded physicians, nurses and other allied health professionals who are focused in improving the multidisciplinary treatment and secondary prevention of fragility fractures.
It is not a new society, nor it is seeking to replace any existing organizations or activities. FFN Philippines is a “network” of activists whose goal is to collate and share best practice across all stakeholders so that we can improve the care of patients with fragility fractures in the Philippines.
A world where anybody who sustains a fragility fracture achieves the optimal recovery of independent function and quality of life, with no further fractures.

Four Pillars of Global FFN
A Global Call to Action


Acute Multidisciplinary Care
Acute multidisciplinary care for the person who suffers a hip, clinical vertebral and other major fragility fractures.


Rehabilitation &
Post-Acute care
Rehabilitation and ongoing post-acute care of people whose ability to function is impaired by fragility fractures.


Rapid Secondary Prevention
Rapid secondary prevention after first occurrence of all fragility fractures to prevent future fractures.


Policy Change
Local multidisciplinary alliances to achieve policy change that facilitates the first 3 clinical pillars.
How to Handle Osteoporosis

Vision Mission
Although we are one with the dream of preventing all fragility fractures from happening in the Philippines, we also recognize that this is unrealistic. Our story starts when a patient presents with a fragility fracture.
A nation where anybody who sustains a fragility fracture achieves the optimal recovery of independent function and quality of life, with no further fractures.
To optimize the multidisciplinary management of the patient with a fragility fracture, including secondary prevention in the Philippines.